Logotyp för Visit Askersund
Drönarvy över Norra Vätterns skärgård i dagsljus med öar och vatten. Kajaker i nedre delen av bilden.


Norra Vätterns skärgård

In the heart of Sweden, at the tip of Lake Vättern, lies Askersund.
A gem among cities.

Askersund can be described as a mecka of small cafes with historical wooden buildings and a picturesque small harbor. In the surrounding area, you will find many nature reserves, hiking trails, and cycling paths that offer fantastic views and experiences. The city also hosts numerous events that take place annually.



Visit Askersund Tourist information

Visiting address during the summer

Hamngatan 4B

696 31 Askersund

All year round

Telephone: +46 583 810 88

E-mail: info@visitaskersund.se

10 Maj 2024